Friday, March 09, 2007


Hooray For Hollywood

Okay, I had last night all to myself. Small child and his dad went to visit Nana and Granddad. So what should I have been doing last night? Last night I should have been studying for next week's exams. Last night I should have been working on my Sociology project. What did I, in fact, do last night? I rented movies. Yay! I NEVER, EVER get to rent movies.

I was thrilled with a few of my selections and thought I would pass on to you other movie go-ers my two-cents worth. I highly suggest . . . NO . . . I insist that you go out and rent "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Stranger Than Fiction." Both are incredibly well written, well cast, well acted and well directed movies. I, also, enjoyed the documentary "Shut Up And Sing" based on the Dixie Chicks and their ordeal.

"Little Miss Sunshine" is about the dysfunctional Hoover family making their way to California for an adolescent beauty pageant. This movie is funny, hilarious at times, poignant, and touching as well. You really like and care about the characters, flaws and all. It is rated "R," for Grampa's (Alan Arkin) problems and his, every now and then, colorful mouth, but if you can deal with that you are going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this film.

"Stranger Than Fiction" is a wonderful film with a very original plot. The cast is great. The story is great and very clever. Will Ferrell does a fine job in his first major (not jumping around being freakily funny) movie role. Again, another movie that is funny as well as poignant.

"Shut Up And Sing" is a terrific documentary about the turmoil and problems that faced the Dixie Chicks after Natalie Maines made her infamous comment at a British concert. If you don't know what the comment is, this movie will enlighten you. If you love the Chicks, you'll end up loving them more. If you hate the Chicks, you'll still hate them after this movie.

Go. Rent. Watch. You will NOT waste your money or time. I promise.

I've seen all of them except the Dixie Chick one. I like them ok.

I thought that the backlash was silly, but I also thought that it was unrealistic of them (And others who have similar things occur)to think that they say/do/sing anything and that their fans Would/should always love them.

Not good, but it is just the way of it.
I'm a huge fan of the Chicks. They're very talented. I thought it was brave of Natalie Maines to take an opposing stand during such a tendet time and at a high point in Bush's appoval rating. I also saw that the comment was made lightly. It was said in gest, kind of kidding with a point, and the media took it and ran with it.

After watching the film and seeing how she said it, I don't really think she knew how severe the consequences would be after making her little joke. The media and America fucked her over, as far as I'm concerned, AND she was right about everything to boot. Well, there's another two cents worth. Heh! =)
I loved Sunshine and Stranger. I have no will to see a documentary about airhead L.A. sellouts who think their popularity as singers qualifies them to double up as political analysts.

Actors and singers think they're brilliant artists (no offence, CLL), but you don't see painters, novelists, or fucking juggling circus clowns on television every day, telling the world what to think and how to vote.

And I'm certain I would listen to a juggling circus clown before I would take political advice from a member of a group named "The Dixie Chicks."

It's like asking 50 Cent to give you the inside scoop on the futures market.

Only in America.
The thing is, Alex, is that they weren't asking people to take political advice. She just made a fucking joke at a concert.

It's the fucking lame-o media that wanted a fucking news story and the ignorant red necks that wanted somebody to hang that are the issue here.

I agree with you. I think celebrities, that are out there TRYING to give us political advice should shut the fuck up, but if you watch the documentary, watch how it's said, watch the moment and how it's done, it's sooooo obvious that she was just having her opinion and making a joke.

I don't know. I just think the whole thing was blown WAY out of proportion. The media is like a pack of emaciated wolves and a lot of country music fans are massively ignorant.

Only in America would the media take a story like this, or Anna Nicole Smith, or Britney Spears and run with it. Of course, only in America would the population eat it all up.

The publicity, in the end, was GREAT for them. So I'm sure the Chicks have no complaints. They won a major Grammy this year.

(BTW, they're not from L.A.) =)
Oh and Sharon...sorry about all the "F" words in that last post! =)
They may not be from L.A., but they're Hollywood sellouts.

Anyway, I think politics have as much place in a country music interview as they do in an Academy Award ceremony - none.

I am so sick of hearing about what Susan Sarandon thinks about Iraq. Hell! I can't even stand hearing about Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, even though neither of them could even tell you who is president at the moment.

I agree with your comments about American news media - they're a bunch of fucking vultures! I had a look at the CNN website yesterday, and 14 out of 16 oftheir front page stories and links were about murder or abduction (plus possible murder). Don't good things happen in the world, or is that not as saleable as journalism?
You nailed it. The news has to sell to all of the milliions of ignoramuses that live in this country.

Second, the money has to go to all of the corporations that own said news bearers.

Third, there is wonderfully good news but the ignoramuses wouldn't buy it.

Fourth, there is important news that SHOULD be reported but said corporations don't want us privy to certain info.

It's all effed up.

I have always, always felt that celebrities/rock stars/artists should stay out of politics or any other important matters. Just "do your job and collect your millions" is what I've always thought.

As far as I'm concerned, the media is responsible for putting the Chicks in the limelight. Not the Chicks themselves. They would've made their little comment and happily moved on, BUT NO! the media made sure that that didn't happen. Idiots.

And a lot of the freakin' rednecks, who listen to country music, would not let it rest either. So instead of getting rid of the Chicks they just fueled the fire that led to them getting a Grammy. Is it any wonder we have an idiot running the country with these people voting? Sigh.
Dixie Chix put the "cunt" in country.

To be fair, CLL, you have to admit that it's pretty fucking stupid of them to alienate their target audience like that. There's no bigger group of flag-waving patriots than the southern rednecks who are dumb enough to buy country music.

Anyway, a country star insulting the president, the army, or the xian god would be like Snoop Dogg making fun of Walmart shoppers, baggy pants, and people who eat at Popeyes. Not only is it in bad taste, it's just plain bad business!
No matter. I still support 'em. I'm glad that they alienated the idiot rednecks. Now they have a whole new demographic and a whole new fan base. It was good for them and maybe not sot stupid.

AND you quoted Carlene Carter, "They put the 'cunt' back into country'" Perhaps you are a little bit country, a little bit rock and roll??? =)
Considering I don't know who Carlene Carter is, maybe I'm a little bit classical, a little bit classic rock.
So many movies I've wanted to see recently. Saw The Queen the other week and it was fantastic. Babel was ok... I really do want to see Sunshine though.

As for the DC controversy, it really did get hugely blown out of proportion, but some of the threats levied against the Chicks were extremely inappropriate given the situation. Death threats over one sentence? Come on. It's not like they praised Hitler.

Maybe I'm too jaded, but it almost seemed like a huge marketing ploy in the end. 4 years later they emerge on the popular side of the equation (who doesn't hate GWB now?) and opened themselves up to an entirely different fanbase. Who knows.
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