Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Breathe in.....and now.....Breathe out!

Well. I did it. I took my last two finals today. I finished my first college semester. I feel so very proud and so very accomplished. It was hard. It was fascinating. It was challenging. It was enlightening. It was GREAT!

I do know, for a fact, that I got an *A* in Psychology and HISTORY!! (Can I tell you how amazing and wonderful that one is?) I am 99.9% sure that I will be getting an *A* in English and Child Development, AND my Child Development teacher told me that if I ever need a letter of recommendation she would be happy to write one for me. Can you believe it? Not bad for an old broad returning to school, huh? It's been a fulfilling experience and I'm looking forward to Spring Semester.

Thanks for letting me puff up with pride and boast! It just goes to show that you CAN get an *A* for effort!

Well, an A for effort and for very hard work. You need to give credit where it's due L2.

That rhymed, in case you didn't notice.
What a wonderful Christmas present to yourself. Bravo!
I've NEVER been that good a student! You ROCK, babe
Man, this post title so makes me want to watch Passions.
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