Monday, November 27, 2006


Shoot Your TV

So. I asked small child, "What do you want for Christmas this year?"

His reply, "I don't know."

It's really rare to meet a nine-year-old that answers this question like this.

Then he says, "You know, Mom, I find as I get older, I just don't really want that much stuff."

That's when I fell over and they had to use the smelling salts.

I credit not having a television in either home and him not being barraged, at all hours of the day and night, by television commercials as being the cause of my son's lack of desire in acquiring material possessions.

The problem is is that it makes it hard to make a list for Santa and it makes it hard to make a list for his Dad and I to shop from, BUT it's a problem that I don't mind having. I'll deal.

You are SO right, Sharon. It does make life easier and it makes them better people. Yay for no TV!
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