Friday, October 20, 2006


Happy Birthday, Dad

Hey Dad.....It's October 20th and you would have been 69 today. I think about you all the time. I miss your corny jokes. I miss you......

She said "69!"

Sadly, that's likely the most intelligent comment I'm going to make on anyone's blog, today. *sigh*
Alex...I pretty much predicted that comment from you! =)
How sweet. Anniversaries like this are bittersweet.

Just wait until he has too much Jagermeister and starts singing and dancing on the table. :D
Now I know you're lying. There is no table on Earth that would hold a 6'3" 260lb dancing viking!
Yeah, Sharon. The corny jokes were the best. My dad has been gone almost 3 years and still, to this day, when I hear a joke I think, "I need to call Dad and tell that one." The I remember....sigh.
Alex, I think that LL and I would pay pretty good money to see if a table would hold you while "drunk dancing" on it!
By "pretty good money" do you mean enough to make it worth hopping a plane from T-to?
I seriously think we should have a Blogging Conference of our own.

The world would stop spinning on its axis or something!
I lost my grandfather some years ago (he was basically my adopted father), and I still miss him and all the things he taught me about carpentry. Fortunately I still have my grandmother. I don't want to think about what comes next with her.
I can't imagine losing either of my parents, so lots of hugs. I know it's belated, but happy birthday to your Dad!
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