Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Freaking "Hell"-o-ween

I really love Halloween. It takes me back to childhood: Trick-or-Treating, carving pumpkins, haunted houses, candy, more candy, (did I mention candy?), costumes. Costumes. Yeah.

See, when I was a kid my Gramma made our costumes. Really great, beautiful, attention to detail costumes. I was a harem-girl one year and a princess another. My mom would put a little make-up on me: eye shadow, mascara, lipstick. Man. I was glamorous and all for a considerable low price. Today small child and I went to "Halloween Headquarters." They're chain stores (at least, around here, in the Bay Area they are.) $49.53 for him to be Darth Vader this year. Yeah. You heard me. $49.53. And, honestly, small child really does not ask for a lot of "stuff" so I'm certainly not going to stifle his dreams of being "the evil villan of all time" for Halloween.

Here's what we got for $32.31:

1 cheap ass jumpsuit with faux "Darth" controls painted on the chest area
1 cheap ass "Darth" belt that ties in the back
1 cheap ass cape
1 cheap ass, cheap ass, cheap ass little plastic "Darth" mask

And because the Darth Vader costume package came sans gloves and boots I spent $17.22
for black kid gloves and fake boot covers.

Thank God that Gramma bought small child a talking Darth Vader helmet for his birthday last year. That would've probably brought the costume total up to $70.00! S-I-G-H! (Did I mention that I have a hole in one of my molars but I can't fix it?? But what am I supposed to do?? "Oh, sorry honey, there will be no Halloween for you this year because Mama needs that $49.53 to fix her tooth."??? Nah. Besides I'm working on "teeth fixing" alternatives......)

All complaining aside, I do like watching small child get so excited about and so into the holiday.
It is a night of magic and monsters and ghosts. It is a night of blood and demons and scary stuff. It is a night where your dreams of being anything that you want to be come true. And it is the one night where you send your child off to talk to and ask strangers for candy after a full year of telling them to not talk to or accept anything from strangers. (I don't know where I heard that but I think it's hilarious. I think it was some famous comedian.)

It's also wonderful to know that I'm making small child wear his Darth Vader costume every single day until next Halloween.

Ooh! I became an excellent self-surgeon as an undergrad. If you want me to work on your teeth, just head on over and bring a bottle of Jose.

Honestly, the plane tix to t-ronto would likely be cheaper than the dental bill and, unlike the dentist, I put out on the first date.

LOL! I'm chewing on one side now. I have 2 chipped molars and, of course, the gargantuan hole. I think you are right on the money about the plane fare vs the dental bill. Jose?? You putting out? Hmmmmm....tempting!! Would you use pliers?? On the tooth, I mean.....
I too have a chipped molar. Happened 3 years ago while eating a carrot (no kidding). Slowly but surely, more and more of it has chipped out and now it needs to just get out of my mouth, post haste. I figure, I still have my four wisdom teeth, so what's losing a molar? I'm still 2 teeth up on the general population.

Two because I had the same thing happen a few years ago. I'm taking good care of my teeth now. No Jack-o-lantern I.
Ug. You know I have so been there with the teeth thing. GRRR.

Hey, at least you HAVE halloween costumes. I don't even know what my children are going as yet.

Maybe I should ask or they will have lame costumes left end up being stuck as Strawberry Shortcake and the least-popular Care Bear...
Doug, I like your logistics regarding the wisdom teeth and molars. Works for me. Only thing is.....all of my wisdom teeth are gone. I suppose I have to figure out a way to save this molar. Plus it's right in the middle of my "chewing" territory. You know what I mean? I chew there regularly. Except for lately. Now I'm chewing exclusively on the right side. My poor teeth. Ack! I'm so tired of not having enough $$$. I used to make good $$$ and now, sadly, there is none. Sigh!

LL, the only reason that we even went to get a Halloween costume is because of the persistent pleadings of the small person that lives in my house. I'm not that "on it" as a mom. Also, I think that if they run out of costumes, where you live, your little James would make up the best Halloween costumes, for he and his brother, because of his AMAZING imagination!
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