Friday, September 29, 2006


Dream A Little Dream

This morning the "Dreamweaver" visited me. No. Not Sharon's "Dreamweaver." Sharon's "Dreamweaver" might've been easier to explain! I can't explain this one! In my dream this morning, Loralee Choate and I were in my high school home town. It was full of ocean water (my high school home town is in the Sierra Foothills.) We had a raft, suitable for one person, that we shared as we were trying to get out of town by using the main street, and I kept slipping off of it. My dad, who died 2 1/2 years ago, was there somehow. I believe that he pointed us in the direction that we were supposed to go. The water got shallower as we headed East. We finally saw some land at an automotive shop on our right hand side. I went inside and talked to this burly, grumpy tough guy. He gave me my Dad's wallet and spare change, that my Dad had left in one of the cars in his shop. I went back outside where Loralee was waiting for me in the car that she had STOLEN. It was an old Fairlane (or something similar) from the 60's (quite nice actually.) Loralee said that she stole that particular car because nobody would notice it as opposed to a new car which would stand out (whatever!). I remember thinking that "all new cars kind of look the same, this one looks different. We're gonna get caught." We continued East. Loralee was driving like a "bat out of hell" around all of the curves and corners through the hills and mountains. She was very sure of her driving capabilities. I was scared. We abandoned the car and ended up in a house where I asked Loralee, "Where are all the clothes that we packed?" She told me that she had left them in the stolen car. I was worried because I'd had a high school picture taken in one of the tops. They would find the car, then the top and then me. Last thing I remember is Loralee was in bed. Okay, that's all I can remember.

All I can say is, "WHAT THE HELL?"


I am a rouge car theif with terrible driving skills! How damn funny! kinda nailed it on my logic. I would totally think that way.
If I did end up ever breaking the law it would end up on one of those "World's stupidest criminal" segments.

Alex will be disappointed there was no lesbian action, however!

Sometimes you just have those dreams and you don't really know where they came from, or what triggered them. My grandfather (who was like my father as I grew up with them) died 11 years ago, but I've dreamed about him a lot this year for some reason.

The most disturbing dream I've had in a long time came last Sunday (which Erin knows all about) when I whipped up one in which my ex came after me with a gun; the dream ended when he shot me. I've never had a dream so vivid in my entire life and I was unable to sleep for the rest of the day.

I acutally did almost steal a pack of batteries the other day from Wal Mart. I was putting my cart back and realized that I forget to put them on the counter. Being the nice guy that I am, I put them back on the nearest register. Of course, then as karmic restibution, the security alarm went off as I went out because the cashier forgot to demagnetize the battery recharger I bought.
Yeah, LL, Alex is gonna be sooooo
bummed about the no "chick on chick" action! There's just noooo
way that you'd be on the "World's Stupidest Criminals" show. I think my dream was directly pointing out your leadership qualities!

Doug, that is sooooo fantastic that your grampa comes to you in your dreams. What a blessing.
I'm sorry about your stupid ex ruining last Sunday for you. I mean at least Loralee didn't try to blatantly kill me in mine. Those vivid, intense dreams are trippy! Did everyone stare at you when the alarm went off? Most of the time nobody looks. Man, I sound like I'm an official on setting that alarm off. I'm not.
I worked in "retail hell" for 2 years. We, the worker bees, didn't even look when it went off. How sad is that?
I worked in retail for 5 years, and it was acutally kind of funny to see the alarm go off just to see the look on the victim's face. Priceless.
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