Monday, August 07, 2006


The Lord and the Flies

A fly woke me up this morning. At an unnecessary hour. Which in turn got me to thinking...."Why did God create flies?" (or for that matter ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, "insert your annoying creature here.") Was he grumpy that day? When he was in "creation mode" was he on auto pilot? Was he the over whelmed parent that day? I DO NOT get it. I've heard that flies pollinate onions. Is this it? Is this why? If you like onions I suppose that is a redeeming quality but this it?? Is this what they do besides being filthy and annoying us and waking us at unnecessary hours because they happened to sneak into your home?

Another thing I was pondering this A.M. (as I was lying in bed after the fly woke me) is why does a 46 year old woman still have to contend with facial blemishes?? Especially around her nose?? Come on, I'm handling the gray hair, the wrinkles, the effects of gravity on my once supple face and body....but zits? And why around my nose?

After reading this post I have decided that I have tooooo much time on my hands. And today, I have a few hours extra thanks to the fly......sigh!

Can I be your first troll?

Lemme see... um, you suck and stuff.

How was that? I think I'm better at humor than griefing.

Good to see you finally made a blod, CLL.
I hope that it's going to be fun for readers to read my useless rambling babbles....
I take it a troll is one of those evil people comparible to a heckler? Or a crappy critic?
I LOVE your humor WAAAAAY better than your griefing....
You are probably one of the funniest people I keep it up.....
I find it funny my first troll was related to me.

I think that my skin is sucking as I age. GRRRRRRR.
Darling, Miss Choate, you are ONLY 31! THIRTY ONE! Trust me, I know that your skin looks lovely....
I KNOW it! But I do have to say,
the physical aspect of aging (the gravity, the graying, etc.) SUCK!
Can I PLEASE have my 30 year old ass back.....PLEASE?? And my 30 year old hair?? And I'll keep all the good stuff from my 40's (priorities, confidence, not giving a shit if you don't want to be my friend, wisdom...) I think that's only fair!
Why, why why why were those nasty bugs with the million legs ever invented? I don't get it either. I'm totally against anything that has more than four legs.

Although, onions ARE mighty tasty... ;)
ha ha ha! all i picture is you at the bar, crying, then laughing, then crying saying "i just want my 30 year old ass back!" (you'd have to see it you guys)
You know me too well. I do want my 30 year old ass back. And not only do I cry and laugh at the bar about it....but I cry and laugh at home about it too.
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