Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Dumb (Yesterday) & Dumber (Today)

I feel like I have the brain of an inept 46 year old woman.....oh....wait a minute.....I do.
First yesterday's mishap. Now this....Oh....you don't know? Oh, well. Let me tell you what I just did. I've been here at my computer up-dating the small child's soccer game schedule, sending my e-mails to the soccer parents....."laminate tags or embroidery on the bag?" (this is because one of the soccer parents complained adamantly about them having NO embroidery on them for the love of God! And I'm in charge of the uniforms for the team this year so I'm responsible for the "embroidery or laminate" dilemma).....then I waded through some papers for school....and checked my calendar for gigs that might conflict with soccer games. Oh. Yes. Did I mention that BEFORE I started doing all of these little things.....did I just happen to mention that I turned the water on in the kitchen sink to soak some dishes?? Yes. The water. On. Full force. Yeah. All the way up. Uh huh, Uh-huh! While I was doing all of my little things at the computer the water was running. Yes. Yes. Right. The water was on. The whole time.

S-I-G-H! Oh well.....the kitchen floor needed a good cleaning anyway......

Sounds like you're doing about the same as every other adult who goes back to school. I know I felt like a complete and utter moron until I broke down and forced myself to write everything (EVERY THING) I had to do each and every day - weekends included - in my diary. Once you get to the point where the first thing you do in the morning, the first thing you do after a meal, and the first thing you do after leaving a class, meeting, or appointment, is checking your planner, then you'll be on the right (read: anal retentive) track.

The teens would look at me as if I was some sort of developmentally disabled challenged person (a.k.a. a "fucking retard," as they would say) as I stayed in my seat after the first class session, copying the entire syllabus into my planner.

It worked for me, though.
BTW, I made you one of my guest bloggers of the week. Have LL show you how to add pictures, so my readers don't miss out on the Asian porn they need and deserve. =)
Don't worry about the brain, Thing Two. I completely FAILED school when I first attempted to go back last year. I was having a hell of a time, though...you will be just great.

Alex, you completely make me laugh.I already put a penis on your blog just for you.
As thoughtful as that was, One, to put a penis on Alex's blog...well..
I think that he would've much rather preferred a breast! Hee, hee!
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